While there are many exceptions, directors or video artists do not usually appear in their artworks. A lecture performance is the name given to an artwork format where artists themselves take to the stage to talk directly to the audience. There are many different kinds of lecture performances, from examples where artists discuss and analyze their personal histories or the relationship between society and artistic practice, to others that feature a bold fusion of video and fiction. What lecture performances share is how artists’ ideas, methods and approaches to social issues emerge powerfully through the act of talking to the audience. This series is the first of its kind in Japan to showcase a collection of lecture performances. It commissions new work from international artists in order to explore the future possibilities of lecture performances.

- 主催:特定非営利活動法人 芸術公社
- 共催:東京藝術大学大学院映像研究科 桂英史研究室|geidaiRAM (平成27年度文化庁大学を活用した文化芸術推進事業)
- 助成:アーツカウンシル東京(公益財団法人 東京都歴史文化財団)、 台北駐日経済文化代表処台湾文化センター
- Organized by Arts Commons Tokyo
- Co-organized by KATSURA Eishi Studio, Tokyo University of the Arts | geidaiRAM (Program for the Promotion of Culture and Art by Utilizing University for the fiscal year 2015, The Agency for Cultural Affairs)
- Supported by Arts Council Tokyo (Tokyo Metropolitan Foundation for History and Culture), Ministry of Culture, Republic of China (Taiwan)
- With special support from SHIBAURA HOUSE
- キュレーター:大舘奈津子+相馬千秋(芸術公社)
- 制作:戸田史子(芸術公社)
- 技術アドバイザー:遠藤豊、中原楽(ルフトツーク)
- 音響:稲荷森健
- 宣伝美術:新保慶太+新保美沙子(smbetsmb)
- Curators: Natsuko Odate, Chiaki Soma (Arts Commons Tokyo)
- Production Coordinator: Fumiko Toda (Arts Commons Tokyo)
- Technical Advisers: Yutaka Endo, Raku Nakahara (LUFTZUG)
- Sound: Ken Inarimori
- Art Direction: Keita Shimbo + Misaco Shimbo (smbetsmb)