


Five guests are now confirmed for the Commons Talk


2月4日(木) 高山明(演出家、Port B主宰)
2月5日(金) 未定
2月6日(土) 管啓次郎(詩人、比較文学者、明治大学大学院教授)

2月16日(火) 藤井光(美術家、映画監督)
2月17日(水) 港千尋(写真家、多摩美術大学教授、あいちトリエンナーレ2016芸術監督)
2月18日(木) 笠原恵実子(美術家、多摩美術大学教授)


Five guests are now confirmed for the Commons Talk events held after each lecture performance.

February 4th: Akira Takayama (director, Port B)
February 5th: TBA
February 6th: Keijiro Suga (poet & critic, professor at Meiji University)

February 16th: Hikaru Fujii (artist, film director)
February 17th: Chihiro Minato (photographer, lecturer at Tama Art University, artistic director of Aichi Triennale 2016)
February 18th: Emiko Kasahara (artist, lecturer at Tama Art University)

Commons Talk is an event where artists, guests and audiences gather in an informal setting after a performance to discuss the themes of art and society through the questions raised by what they watched.

Participation is limited to ticket holders for that day’s performance.